What Causes Meniere’s Disease?

Meniere’s disease is the most common cause of Vertigo. This condition has been around a long time and much research has been done. It affects the labyrinth of the ears. Though there is no cure, numerous things can be done to help manage Meniere’s disease. These include:



Physical therapy

There is no known cause however, there are lots of theories around about its origins. Some believe that genetic factors play a part while others believe that environmental problems pose the biggest risk.

Those with Meniere’s Disease often have Vertigo, which can be described as extreme dizziness that makes it seem as if your surroundings are moving. The most dangerous part of this condition is that you can lose your balance, fall and hurt yourself. There are other symptoms as well:

Upset stomach



Pain in or behind the eye

Buzzing in the ears

Jerky eye movements

Don’t ignore your symptoms. Instead, see a specialist and describe your symptoms. Your doctor will help you find the right treatment plan to help eliminate or reduce your symptoms so that Meniere’s disease, vertigo and tinnitus don’t detract from your quality of life.

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