Natural Remedies for Acne Marks

Natural Remedies for Acne Marks

Article by Arnold Davies

If acne has been plaguing you for a while now, you will need to know effective ways in order to fight back and prevent pimple-causing events. If you think that treating pimples can be very expensive and hard on the budget, do not worry. There are alternative methods that you can do in order to solve your skin problems. Read this article to find out some of the most economical and efficient natural remedies for acne.

Kales and spinach are good foods you can use as natural remedies for acne. They contain potential compounds that have a healing effect on acne scars. They also help in development of new skin. The compounds firm your skin and keep it supple and tender. All you need is to take at leas two cups of either spinach or kales each day. Make sure that the vegetable is lightly cooked. In this way your body benefits from the nutrients.

Papaya is commonly used as a constituent in soaps for its ability to lighten skin and it is also effective in treating acne marks. Use the pulp of the fruit and smear it over the mark and leave for about half an hour to allow the skin to absorb its nutrients.

Sandalwood oil can help reduce pigmentation so it can be used in the treatment of acne marks. It can be used as a night renewal oil where it is applied over the marks to be left overnight. It can also be used during the day instead of a moisturizer.

Water treatment; Wash your face with water two times a day the most. If you over washed the tendency is the natural oil that the skin needs is washed away with water. Use tea tree oil for the blemishes on the skin. Drink a lot water 8-10 glasses a day to flush down all the toxins away from your body. This process would help you have a gloomy skin and it is good for digestion.

Herbal remedies are probably the most popular technique for treating pimple scars without a prescription. You need to be careful though, just because something is marked as herbal or natural doesn’t mean that it is. Just as many “organic” foods may actually be grown using pesticides and fertilizer, many natural remedies also include artificial ingredients. No your vendor and check the ingredient label.

There are many different herbs and natural supplements out there that can actually prove to be quite beneficial to the acne sufferer. If you want to explore home remedies and over-the-counter remedies, sometimes, it is best to focus on the ones that are free of dangerous chemicals and ingredients that can actually irritate the skin or strip the skin of important nutrients. Choosing mild ingredients that will compliment the skin are the best option. Some of the most popular herbs for this particular skin condition include that of red clover, blue flag, burdock, poke root, and other plants that are similar in nature.

Lemon juice is probably one of the most commonly used mainly due to its natural bleaching capacity that can even out your skin tone. Just rub lemon juice over the scar for a couple of minutes and then rinse it off. Just be extra careful in using lemon juice, as too much exposure to it may cause irritation.

Another home made acne scar skin care is the use of ice cubes. When you rub a lot of ice cubes on your face for around ten to fifteen minutes not only does it tighten all the pores but it also make sure it clears all the pimples and marks created by acne.

This method is very effective for the acne scar skin care and it is widely used by a lot of people in the United States at their homes.

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