Osteoporosis Natural Remedies: Say No To Weak Bones!

Osteoporosis Natural Remedies: Say No To Weak Bones!

Article by Meredith Walker

Osteoporosis is a disease known to weaken the bones by removing bone mass, resulting in lower bone density and fragile bones. Someone with osteoporosis is more likely to break or fracture their bones compared to healthy individuals; often it is through the first fracture that the disease is diagnosed.

The disease is most common among post-menopausal women, as imbalances in the hormones can sometimes cause bone mineral loss in the body. The disease is not limited to women, however, with up to one third of those affected by osteoporosis being male.

Osteoporosis is a disease that creeps up slowly, affecting the body subtly until the first symptoms show. By the time that someone is diagnosed with osteoporosis, the disease will have already created its foothold, and only proper treatment will be able to dislodge it.

Osteoporosis natural remedies are several forms of treatment using natural means and substances that can be used for those with weakened bones. They are safe to use alone, or in combination with other osteoporosis natural remedies, or even conventional and mainstream treatments and medications; the treatments would be complementary to each other, enhancing the effectiveness of the treatments.

The methods of osteoporosis natural remedies are similar enough to conventional medicine that there is a large overlap in the treatment methods, which allows both to be used in combination. In both cases, the treatments are both restorative • healing and repairing damaged bones • as well as preventive • ensuring that bone fractures and further bone mineral loss is prevented.

The largest overlap of osteoporosis natural remedies with conventional medicine is in the treatment through lifestyle changes. This includes changes in diet, as well as starting on an exercise program, both of which are typically designed to encourage bone regeneration. Substances such as alcohol, caffeine and tobacco are to be reduced or removed, while supplements like calcium, vitamin D and magnesium are added.

Another form of treatment where there is some overlap between osteoporosis natural remedies and conventional medicine is the use of hormone balancing substances. In the case of conventional medicine, these substances take the form of drugs and medications, whereas the corresponding osteoporosis natural remedies involve the use of herbal remedies.

Osteoporosis is a difficult disease to live with, but diagnosed early and utilizing the available treatments • both conventional and unconventional • can help the individual overcome the disease, and restore strength to weakened bones.

Effective use of Osteoporosis Natural Remedies can lead to very positive results – stronger bones, and a more active you. Learn more about these natural remedies by checking out ArthritisNaturalRemedies.com.

About the Author

Meredith Walker is an authority on arthritis and related joint pains, and the natural methods to treat them effectively. She is currently the webmaster of ArthritisNaturalRemedies.com, a website that aims to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information about the natural ways to treat arthritis.

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